Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia)
Other Names: Mountain-laurel, calico-bush, or spoonwood
Description: The broadleaf evergreen mountain-laurel is usually a 12-20 ft. shrub, but is occasionally taller and single-trunked, attaining small tree stature. Evergreen, many-stemmed, thicket-forming shrub or sometimes a small tree with short, crooked trunk; stout, spreading branches; a compact, rounded crown; and beautiful, large, pink flower clusters. Its flowers are very showy. They are bell-shaped, white to pink with deep rose spots inside, and occur in flat-topped clusters. The leaves are oval,leathery, and glossy, and change from light-green to dark-green to purple throughout the year.
Habitat: It likes cool, moist rocky or sandy soils with partial shade.